Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So Much Happening

As I am getting ready to work today, I see so much that is happening and I need to share some of it. First and formost, the Dina and Gregg Show 2 Year Anniversary is this weekend.

So next, I would like to share a moment and remind that gay and lesbians began with their wedding vows yesterday in the state of New York. It may have taken a while, and it doesn't seem like a huge sucess because it is New York but still, it is New York. Congratulations to all the men and women who are gettting married. I am so excited for you.

Now, for this damn debt crisis and our quickly upcoming deadline. I feel that the best way to put it is through Jon Stewart right now because everything I am reading just continues to contradict itself. At least he is telling me this much.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oh Michelle Bachmann

I just came across this while I was venturing around Youtube. Take from it what you will.

A Thursday in July

There was an article today on the Gay Politics Website today about how governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill that will now teach LGBT history in schools. This is groundbreaking on so many reasons other than just for LGBT rights. We continue to see how the truth in history continues to be omitted from the text books. Knowing that this will be taught, as well as women's rights, civil rights and so on, gives us a more accurate visualization of what our American History is. http://www.gaypolitics.com/2011/07/14/california-governor-signs-lgbt-history-bill/