So, I haven't posted in a week. I've got some things to talk about. Lets start with Pride in Long Beach last weekend. Thank you to everyone in Long Beach for showing us a great time. We were able to meet a ton of great new people. We also ran into some of our friends there too. Here are some of the pictures that we took. For

all of them, check out my facebook page.

We really did have such a great time and loved every moment. Lets see if we can match it at L.A. Pride June 11-13th. Hottalk LA will be broadcasting live for the whole weekend.
Now, as some of you know, yesterday was Harvey Milk Day. Harvey Milk contributed, not only to that GLBT community, but he had a unique way of opening up every one's eyes to remind us that we are all human, and we all deserve the respect of each other. Please, this next week, take a moment to look and see the live of someone else you wouldn't normally encounter and dwell for a moment on how their life might be.
Happy Harvey Milk Day everyone!!!

We brought up a couple things up in the show for tomorrow. I just wanted to give the websites to them so everyone can get a little knowledge on what we were talking about. Like always, we never get enough time.
The 1st is is weekend watercooler. There was so much there this week I want to point out the DADT new. Especially the stuff with Nancy Pelosi Al Franken
Now, unfortunately the BP oil spill has lost its splash in the news which is not good. So much oil is still leaking that Florida Marshes not to mention all life in the Gulf of Mexico that is dieing. The first article is on Kevin Costner donating 'Ocean Therapy' technology to help out. How is it that this movie actor/producer has this and BP doesn't?
The second article is just an FYI on how much BP is spending per day vs how much they make per day. Peanuts I tell you, Peanuts on what they are spending.
I can't remind everyone enough to pay attention. So much is happening and if we don't pay attention, we don't have a voice.
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