Taking care of myself is something I've never been very good at and I work at it constantly every day to try and make sure I am good before I move on to helping others because bottom line: We cannot help others if we're not good ourselves.
As always lately, I don't have a ton of time to give to my blog, but here are a couple things. First is the link to our latest show.

It must have been how Dorothy first felt when she arrived. Strange people, singing, speaking their own language, doing odd little dances. This feeling of being completely lost wondering, “I don’t remember getting my passport stamped.” For Dorothy, this place was OZ. For me, this place was The Cheesecake Factory and instead of Munchkins, I had gay boys. I guess you could call them gaynchkins.
There I was minding my own business, writing out a re-fire ticket for a Chicken Madeira that my table was waiting on and all of a sudden from behind me, “S.O.S. Please someone help me.” Was Rihanna here, back in the server line with me? Nope, it was Pierre and his parade of gay. This was the norm at my new found place of employment and how was I to know that it would be an education as powerful as the one I received in Los Vegas.
In Los Vegas, I didn’t become adapt to having gay friends. I had gay friends, but not many. Until I got to L.A., I was still the gay boy submerged in with all of the heterosexuals, but now, that I was among only gay men, I had to get acclimated. This not only meant making friends with them, but making the attempt to not sleep with them or judge them right away so that they still want to be your friend after the initial meeting. I was a total lost soul. I know it seems like it should be simple, especially coming from me who is great with mostly everyone, but it was hard. Not in a good way.
I shut down completely at first. A blessing was Christina. She moved to L.A. with me and transferred into the same restaurant that I was working in. She was not shutting down at all because for her, nothing had changed. So, while I was quite learning a new job, she was meeting everyone and telling me about them when we would go out at night.
And Finally, here is a song for everyone to hit play, and get you moving into the rest of your day or night. It just has that feeling that makes me want to dance and smile. Life really is fantastic. Good night everyone!!!
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