Monday, October 25, 2010

Coming out and Rachel's wedding

The first person that I came out to was my friend Rachel. I had been living in Vegas for not even 3 months and I was getting my first visitors. Rachel, Janet, Steve and a few others from home were on their way out to see me and I was a nervous wreck. I had no idea what I would do in my new surroundings and would I have changed so much in my realization of liking men that I’d slip up and they’d go home wondering why the hell they decided to visit a gay boy? I wasn’t sure what would happen but I did no I had a plan, and that was to keep my new secret a secret and do what I would later hear from one of my acting coaches; “Butch it up!”
Well, we were having an absolutely great time, seeing a ton of things, pushing time limits, staying out till the sun came up and then I blew my plan. Rachel and I decided that we were going to just have a nice dinner, the two of us, and in the middle of conversation walking to the restaurant, I spilled my news. She of course was so excited and it was completely opposite of what I was expecting but it was great. Then, because of her, I realized that being gay wasn’t going to change my life, just add to it. Being gay is just a small part of who I am.
Rachel got married this weekend to a wonderful, caring, loving man. Here are some of the pictures from their wedding.

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