Today across this country is voting day. That is the most powerful day of our year and makes us who we are as a country. There is though, an unfortunate problem. We are all rushing to voting polls to vote and we don't know half of what or whom we are voting for. Americans have gotten the motivation to go into that little booth and vote, and maybe read a little background to the different candidates, but what about the propositions, the amendments, the small changes? Where is that money coming from? Who is donating the money to those causes and why are they donating that money? We as a people aren't motivated to dig that far and, if we are, who has the time to drudge through all of the rubbish to find the bottom line. I know I don't. So, then, after we do what we can to prepare, and become overwhelmed with the barrage of ad campaigning(which is everywhere now i.e. facebook, hulu, youtube)we put trust in one candidate, in one cause and toss it into the wind with a hope of a promise.
It's getting more difficult day to day to take these people and their causes with the belief, trust, and open mindedness that they deserve. I am searching for the good in man these days and am not finding it in our government system as abundantly as we are told it is. I sometimes feel like I'm eight years old again looking in the Highlights magazine at their picture search and cannot find the baseball bat. Where's the baseball bat?
I just want to end this blog with one of my favorite ad campaigns of this wonderful voting season. This comes from the state of Nevada, from the fantastic Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle. After this video aired, she told a reporter that it wasn't focused on any particular demographic and that she herself could easily be mistaken for Asian. I love our modern political wit. Happy Voting everyone. At least we have each other.