Today is one of my closest friends, Ms. Holly Ace's birthday. We met ions ago but didn't officially become friends until the summer of 2001. Since then, she has become my touring one woman show. I have a unique quirky side to me that everyone see's and gets to be enertained by, but with Holly, it comes magnified. If you listen to my show, The Dina and Gregg Show, you get to hear Dina and I get going and its becomes entertaining and yu feel that you are apart of the team, the show. When Holly and I get going, you feel like you paid for a show and you're gonna be pissed off if there's no encore because this shit is funny.
Besides being extremely hilarious and witty, Holly is ridiculously smart and she'll never really own up to it. She is the mother of two gorgeous children and has another on the way. Beauty is embodied in her and that combined with her charm is possibly the most pow
erful thing in life. When anyone has those two things going for them, they can sometimes be unstopable.
Like all of us, Holly knows failure and defeat, bu she is strong and stubourn and aways provails and I can't wait to see what she does in the next 365 days until her next birthday.
Here are a bunch of things that remind me of Holly and will puts smiles on all of your faces. Good night.
Besides being extremely hilarious and witty, Holly is ridiculously smart and she'll never really own up to it. She is the mother of two gorgeous children and has another on the way. Beauty is embodied in her and that combined with her charm is possibly the most pow
Like all of us, Holly knows failure and defeat, bu she is strong and stubourn and aways provails and I can't wait to see what she does in the next 365 days until her next birthday.
Here are a bunch of things that remind me of Holly and will puts smiles on all of your faces. Good night.
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