I was just in San Diego for the evening to visit my friend Tara and see her new beautiful baby Isla. I got some great time with her mother last night before she had to fly back to Minnesota today and we began talking about dating; More specifically, online dating. Well today at Tara's apartment with our friend Sheila, we got back into this conversation. After the argument that online dating is a way for generic people to meet each other, I decided that I would put it to the test. I challenged her to go date for date with me. I was going on one website and she was going on another. Our goal out of this was to see which one of us would be able to find someone to go on at least three dates with. This may seem simple but from what I gathered on her experience as well as the experiences of others, three dates could be a large challenge. Sounds even funnier seeing how we are in the 2nd largest city in the nation. Oh Well, here goes.
Besides that, it happens to be Saturday night and I am taking the long way back to LA. I stopped off in San Clemente to just type for a little bit before I continue on to LA. Its just so much easier hiding while on a mini-road trip. Especially that I have no one keeping track of me. Speaking of this...
Last night, I stayed at Khalilah's house and we got into a conversation about if we really did get in to a relationship soon, would we be able to give up our independence. We are both very independent people who rarely need help from people. That is one of the reasons why we became friends so quickly.....
lets now define random writing
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