Monday, March 29, 2010

Should I go talk to him? He's really cute.

“Should I go talk to him? He’s really cute. What do you think?” Our bus goes through another light and we are even closer to our stop. “Ok, I’m gonna go talk to him, but what should I say?” We pass through another light and are so close to our stop. “Ok, here I go, I’m standing up and going to go talk to him.” I stand my drunk ass up, off the bus seat and force my legs to carry me to this very attractive man and proceed to ask him his name. Not yet causing too much attention to myself, Dina and Christine sat at the back of the bus patiently waiting for the show to begin.
At first it was an innocent “Hi, I’m Gregg” kind of introduction but unfortunately I had been drinking for quite some time that evening and verbal diarrhea began to spill out. I’m not certain of what I said, and I’m confident that it wasn’t offensive or overly baring, but I am sure that it was a bit much more than what this pretty gay man minding his own business wanted from anyone that night. But, as foretold, our bus was quickly approaching our stop and I was instructed very directly by four eyes in the back, that I was to get off at the stop I was supposed to get off at.

As the bus was getting closer to home, those four eyes were having a conversation of their own. “Is he going to get off when we’re supposed to?”

“Yes Christine”

“Are you sure? He seems pretty involved. OK, well, he’ll get off.” Not even ten seconds pass and “I don’t think he has any intention of getting off the bus. He’s not standing up!”

“He’ll get off, don’t worry” Dina repeated and Christine calmed for a moment.

All the while this is happening, I went in for the kill. “Can I get your number?” And, as he said yes, and gave his phone number to me, the bus began to slow down to our stop.
Now, the spectacle that the whole bus would bare witness to was underway and Hermes himself could not send the message faster. Christine got up, screamed “Gregg”, I gave a look, turned back at the hot boy, the bus began to come to the stop, I stood while continuing to put the number in my phone, the doors opened, Christine got out, the doors shut, and I sat back down and continued my conversation like nothing had ever happened. Thinking all attention had been diverted, the bus began to pull away from the stop and all of a sudden with the silence of a great horror film, the entire bus heard “GGGGGRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!” Which was then followed by the chuckling tranny in the back.

1 comment:

  1. And there you have it folks, the TRUE untainted story of that night! It still makes me teeter on the verge of pant wetting and indeed causes tears to well up in my eyes!

