Friday, February 11, 2011

A Love Story

At the beginning of the book Eat, Pray, Love, the author mentions her friend who was working with refugees and even though they had been through so much turmoil and life changing events, they still managed to go back to the topics of "I met this guy" or "I can't tell if likes me or not". What is that?

I, who happen to be on the threshold of starting the largest project of my life, still managed to fall into this trap. No matter who we are, where we are, and what is happening in our life, the need and want for love still becomes toward the top of the priority list. It amazes me. Here's my story. Well, the most recent one.

About 2 weeks ago, I was at one of Dina's stand up shows and afterward, her and I were talking with the producer of the show, as well as her friend. Needless to say, him and I hit it off and planned to meet up soon. We did, had a great date and continued it with great correspondence that was leading somewhere. That somewhere, very clearly being stated as getting to know each other because I would be traveling for a year. Not a secret, understanding that there was just not a lot of time for much other than some heat and getting to know each other.

Well, it turned into a little more pressure I guess because I got a text that we should not sweat it and just focus on the friendship part. That is great. It truly is but unfortunately I still liked him and of course was hoping it would venture somewhere further. I can't help it because I am a pathetic romantic. The bottom line is that I met a great guy and I get to become his friend. There is not a thing wrong with that. Not to mention I got some great make-out time with him. But, for those of you who still want to hear some jaded girl music, here you go.

When I mentioned that I am leaving in two weeks, I was talking about a project that I started about three months ago. It's called Project Kinect( It is going to take me across the country for an entire year. I'm at the moment, in a state of shock and not really quite sure that it is coming together but in all actuality, it really is. I am so shocked. Here are a couple of the videos that I have for it so far. Check out the website and let me know what you think.