Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 3. Part 1... A walk through Barnes n Noble

I took a walk through Barnes and Noble with an open mind and no forethought. I was just wandering though to see if anything jumps out at me. I am acknowledging that there is something there that I maybe have not yet been introduced to. On the other hand, I am acknowledging that what ever the next step in my life is, that it really could be at my fingertips and I don't know how to access it. I was in a meeting earlier today and my regional director said a couple things that went along with what I am focusing on in my life. The one that left the imprint was "the journey isn't significant if you don't remember all of it". His context was completely different than how I am using it now but is still just as important. In order to get through this discovery, I have to acknowledge all of my journey. Again, even if it is one part of my life that is only going on for two weeks.
So far today, I did a couple other exercises. One of them was that I made two lists. One list was of things that I have always been interested in. When I say always, I am referring to topics in my adult life. Some of these include acting, music, organizing events, helping people, Eleanor Roosevelt,writing, Philosophy and classic poetry.
I then made a second list. This list is of topics that just recently, with in the last year, I have become interested in. Some of these include film editing, voice over work, fiction writing, radio work, photography, education, teaching abroad. Now, with both lists, I am looking back to my adolescence to see what of these lists have either carried over to now, have reappeared, or are brand new. The final thought in this exercise are there things from my adolescence that are missing; Ideas that were so strong to me when I was a kid that I thought would be so important to me as an adult that I wouldn't be able to live without? We'll see what happens from this.
The other exercise that I'll be continuing on through out this first week is getting a hold of the people close to me who love what they do and find out a little more about what it is that makes them love it and also how it contributes and enriches their lives. To leave you with Day 3, Part 1. Here are some of my pictures from Christine's wedding that I absolutely love.

1 comment:

  1. You are quite the photographer! I love how you capture the "life"!
    & I love you.
