Yesterday was a day of catch up. Catch up with work, catch up with sleep and digest everything that is happening with this journey. One of the best things about this two week process is that I've been able to connect with some amazing friends that I know extremely well but for some reason, don't always have conversations about pure passion and personal beliefs. These are people that I adore and I was able to listen to them discuss new things that I haven't ever knew about them. Maybe I knew this at one point in our relationships, but we all grow and evolve and those feelings and beliefs change.
I want to take a quick moment now, before we get into the next week and review what we have established so we can identify where we've come so far and where this next week is going.
On Day 1 I read the article talking about finding happiness in ones career. It worked as a catalyst for thought about how does the career set in our lives? What is the influence that it has on our lives and how do our lives impact our career? Are we fulfilled with it.
On Day 2 I was focused on commitment to this endeavor and recognition of what is going on in my life. In making recognition, I was being honest with myself and my life in order to grow and give myself direction. I began connecting with people who I felt really found passion in their life including their careers.
On Day 3 there was tremendous focus on opening up and self discovery. There was an investigation on areas of interest and wants for my life recently, consistently and in the past.
There was a final thought, at 5am, that I will not settle for mediocrity.
On Day 4 it was all about wants and needs. The difference between them and how to acknowledge them both in order to fulfill them both. These lists are important for when we begin to think about integrity, beliefs, and inspiration.
On Day 5 it turned out to be a great exercise on where does inspiration stem from? Once we find it, and how to access it when there is none to be found. We have to recognize that sometimes inspiration isn't around so that we are not surprised by this when it happens. We then can access it from other avenues that we are confident that contain it. This thought process also led to spirituality and the important role it plays in in our lives, not just for communion, finding balance and focus, but also inspiration.
On Day 6 I spent a lot of time observing and trialing my beliefs up to my observations. I also set up a model for how I really want my day to day routine to be. I made the most out of day 6 and saw all the wonderful aspects that I love in my life in it that are already there.
On Day 7 I focused on making my own personal list of beliefs. These are things that are not written in stone, if they don't work for me, I can make new beliefs, or add to these, but they are a way to keep my focus and hold myself accountable to what is going on with my wants and needs. This whole week, I was still connecting with people who I admired, and adding to my lists. Day 7 was also a day to compare my beliefs in my life. Not large events, but basic, every day choices.
There you have it, where I've (we've) come in a week. As we get into day 9, we will discuss accountability and integrity. Especially integrity with ourselves because as I go through this, I am noticing the one person that I keep letting down is myself. I do not do what I say I will do for myself. That makes me so........ well, we'll get into that on day 9.
Good Night everyone.
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