I finished my movie today and was going to go write in Barnes & Noble. I decided not to stay, then thought I'd walk through the biography section but as I was walking, a kid ran through, I ran into the shelf and saw this book....... If I Live To Be 100 by Neenah Ellis. Now I can't put it down. Most of the time, we pick out a book but this book, it picked me.
Here is a couple other thinks I wanted to point out today..
The first is this article in the New York Times Magazine's interview with Eminem.... Its worth reading. http://http//www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20fob-q4-t.html?src=smt3

The second is a little comedy from about 15 years ago. I was with a bunch of people this weekend and we got talking about these sketches
And Finally, here's an indulgent movie that I cannot wait for... Have a productive Monday everyone.
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