Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Day of Summer

Yesterday happened to be my favorite day of the year because it is the longest one. I am in Tuscaloosa for Project Kinect and for it, I spent the entire day in the creek helping to remove logs from it and get it cleaned up. Here is a quick video from that moment in my life.

As I was looking through the news this morning, I noticed that there was an article about the dismissal of a coming out video in Saugatuck, MI. Even though the city is extremely LGBT friendly, the school board voted to not let a video directed towards the eight grade class about what all teens, both gay and straight, need to know about coming out. Here is the article on

When I went to Youtube to find the video and share with you, I was unsuccessful, but I did however find this video from Meet Zoe. She is from Australia and moved to Los Angeles as many of us do to get into show business. I haven't done any research about her yet, but I love this so far.

Being in Tuscaloosa for awhile, I've noticed the practically imaginary line between church and state. I realize that practically the entire country is to this point now, but down here, the two cross lines more than people say "Ya'll".

I decided to do a little research to see what is happening on these lines since the Bush administration put the "faith-based initiative" into play. The purpose of this initiative was to help faith based organizations expand the social services they did in their communities. Here is the article I found explaining President Obama's view on this from ABC News.

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