Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Shortest Day of the Year

For those of you who don't take inventory of this sort of thing. the first day of winte is the shortest day of the year. This day kills me because I need the day. Given, I am a secret night owl, in my twenties, I bcame in love with the sun and the poosibility of getting things accomplished in it while living. That sounds extremely drawn out and deep but it actually quite simple and on this day, I take in the day as much as possible. This year however, when we are in the middle of the largest rain storm of the decade on Los Angeles, I ended up taking a three hour nap. The upside to this is now, until June 21st, the days will continue to get longer. That makes me happy. With that said......

Have you ever noticed the similarities in these two videos?

The first song is Rumors by Lindsay Lohan. I love it and will always push my way to the dance floor anytime it comes on. I will be ninety-five years old, with my walker, running to dance to this song. This was Lindsay's first big hit in rellion to the media following up on her rebellious ways.

The second one is the new song from Miley Cyrus, Can't Be Tamed. It has the same sort of story and also has a bird cage in it. I actually really love this video. It was done terrificlly and whom ever choreographed it did a great job.

Well, that is my Lindsay/Miley challange. I hope you enjoyed thinking about meaningless jargon for a few minutes. Now, here is my latest favorite song. Fight For You by Morgan Page.

Monday, December 13, 2010


So I am in the understanding that today is December 13th. Going outside here in Los Angeles, one wouldn't think so because it has been it the eighties the last few days. So, yesterday I took a walk through Hollywood and took some pictures. Here are some of my favorites. They stick out to me.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving.... a little late

I have been an absolutley horrible blogger. I have been extremely busy. Here is why.....

http://http//www.hottalkla.com/htla/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=61&Itemid=320 It's our Holiday Gift Guide. You will absolutely love it.
I have also been busy putting together our gift guide and new magazine... here is that link
AND HERE IS MY BABY..... I started a project that I am now introducing to the public but not completely beginning until February.
And now here is a little holiday song...

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Importance of Speech and Language

I finally got a chance to watch the new Tyler Perry film "For Colored Girls" which is adapted from the Tony award winning play written by Ntozake Shange. Going into this movie, I was little terrified that the language would be lost and the richness of the speech would not be the main event. Man was I wrong? The cast of extremely talented actress took control and didn't the the language get dropped one bit. One of my favorite scenes, performed by Macy Gray, even came through with the beauty and eloquence that it deserved and was owed. This definitely needs to be seen by anyone who is in love with speech.

This movie gave me inspiration today, as well as this. This is a link to my friend Danielle's website. She is a talented new photographer who I take pleasure in knowing her before she s enveloped by National Geographic. Take a moment to look at her pictures and let her inspire you.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Mench

Today I was called a mench. At first, I thought, "Listen here lady, I'm bending backwards to help you and you're calling me names" Then, she told me the definition of what a mench is. This is the Urban Dictionary definition: A German word which, in Yiddish, means "a good person". A mench is a particularly good person with the qualities one would hope for in a dear friend or trusted colleague; a gentleman.

Here is the website if you're interested. http://http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mench This was an extremely highlight to my day, especially coming from a complete stranger. I know this makes it about me my ego, but sometime we all need this for ourselves. Good night everyone.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Monday Monday Monday

I don't have too much to say on what has been one of the most exhausting Mondays of my life, but here is a couple songs to give you a bridge through your day. I hope you all go to bed with smiles on your faces.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Seattle, on a Saturday Morning

I'm sitting here, at Tully's coffee, on a Saturday morning. The fall colors are all out, and the clouds are covering the city like a blanket. It's reminding me of fall back home. Those low pressured Saturday morning's where anything was possible and the idea of perfection in the slightest of detail was there. This morning is definitely that same idea.

When living in the city of Los Angles, one tends to forget that everything doesn't have to be so high pressured. We think that everything takes work and to just relax, even though we do, is more of a reward than it really is. Time is money and you had better be earning it. In addition to this, we think that every where else is just like high pressured Los Angeles. Well it isn't.

As I'm sitting in this coffee shop in Seattle on this dank, murky and fantastic morning, I'm reminded that other cities have their own personalities, their own quirks and maybe, we need the time to try on each city as if we were shopping for a new pair of pants. Just because it says it is a thirty two waist, does not mean that it will actually fit you. I look at the other cities that I have spent time in, now reminded that life isn't as fast as suggested, and I realize that I never became so full of anxiety in those other cities as I do in L.A.

Well, right now though, this is about Seattle, so I'm going to get a refill on my coffee, enjoy the rain, and gaze into the eyes of this city for a bit.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Ms. Holly Ace

Today is one of my closest friends, Ms. Holly Ace's birthday. We met ions ago but didn't officially become friends until the summer of 2001. Since then, she has become my touring one woman show. I have a unique quirky side to me that everyone see's and gets to be enertained by, but with Holly, it comes magnified. If you listen to my show, The Dina and Gregg Show, you get to hear Dina and I get going and its becomes entertaining and yu feel that you are apart of the team, the show. When Holly and I get going, you feel like you paid for a show and you're gonna be pissed off if there's no encore because this shit is funny.

Besides being extremely hilarious and witty, Holly is ridiculously smart and she'll never really own up to it. She is the mother of two gorgeous children and has another on the way. Beauty is embodied in her and that combined with her charm is possibly the most powerful thing in life. When anyone has those two things going for them, they can sometimes be unstopable.

Like all of us, Holly knows failure and defeat, bu she is strong and stubourn and aways provails and I can't wait to see what she does in the next 365 days until her next birthday.

Here are a bunch of things that remind me of Holly and will puts smiles on all of your faces. Good night.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting Day

Today across this country is voting day. That is the most powerful day of our year and makes us who we are as a country. There is though, an unfortunate problem. We are all rushing to voting polls to vote and we don't know half of what or whom we are voting for. Americans have gotten the motivation to go into that little booth and vote, and maybe read a little background to the different candidates, but what about the propositions, the amendments, the small changes? Where is that money coming from? Who is donating the money to those causes and why are they donating that money? We as a people aren't motivated to dig that far and, if we are, who has the time to drudge through all of the rubbish to find the bottom line. I know I don't. So, then, after we do what we can to prepare, and become overwhelmed with the barrage of ad campaigning(which is everywhere now i.e. facebook, hulu, youtube)we put trust in one candidate, in one cause and toss it into the wind with a hope of a promise.

It's getting more difficult day to day to take these people and their causes with the belief, trust, and open mindedness that they deserve. I am searching for the good in man these days and am not finding it in our government system as abundantly as we are told it is. I sometimes feel like I'm eight years old again looking in the Highlights magazine at their picture search and cannot find the baseball bat. Where's the baseball bat?

I just want to end this blog with one of my favorite ad campaigns of this wonderful voting season. This comes from the state of Nevada, from the fantastic Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle. After this video aired, she told a reporter that it wasn't focused on any particular demographic and that she herself could easily be mistaken for Asian. I love our modern political wit. Happy Voting everyone. At least we have each other.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Waiting for Supreman

I finally got a chance to see the movie "Waiting for Superman" today and it was beyond what I thought it would be. My awareness has definitely been heightened by what is happening in our countries education system right now. Part of the movie discussed how even in our normal public schools, students are separated into categories that are focused on where they are going in their future. I look at my elementary education and see exactly what was being discussed in the film. After fourth grade, my class of nine were transported to a city about twenty miles aways so we could finish our elementary education. When we got there, we were all separated into different homerooms and different levels of core classes. We all understood that there were reasons why we were in these different classes together but we never actually understood where that stems from. This movie open my eyes to that. Thankfully though, I was blessed with amazing teachers all along the way who fostered my own curiosity and desire to learn. With the combination of them and excellent parenting, I was able to hurdle over many obstacles.

And now I will leave you with an added little Halloween bonus. Have a great Halloween everyone.

Happy Halloween

Lets start this Halloween post off with one of the all time classic American Halloween traditions. Micheal Jackson's Thriller.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Story Corps

I'm extremely into knowing other people's stories these lately. One of the ways that I've been indulging in this is storycorps.org. Check it out and take a moment to hear someone else's story. It is truly amazing to hear what strangers have to say. Even if we don't learn something, we will definitely be entertained.

Cumbre Nortena and My New Husband

When I was flying to Rachel's wedding on Thursday night, I sat next to this very attractive man who began chatting with me. Later, towards the end of the flight, we stared talking about what we both did back in Los Angeles. He happens to be in this band right here..... He's the bass player. And he is gorgeous.... and talented. Well, that's my story for a Tuesday night.

Monday, October 25, 2010

An Old Song for a New Time

This came on the music while I was flying this weekend. I love this song and it was a great addition to a perfect weekend

Coming out and Rachel's wedding

The first person that I came out to was my friend Rachel. I had been living in Vegas for not even 3 months and I was getting my first visitors. Rachel, Janet, Steve and a few others from home were on their way out to see me and I was a nervous wreck. I had no idea what I would do in my new surroundings and would I have changed so much in my realization of liking men that I’d slip up and they’d go home wondering why the hell they decided to visit a gay boy? I wasn’t sure what would happen but I did no I had a plan, and that was to keep my new secret a secret and do what I would later hear from one of my acting coaches; “Butch it up!”
Well, we were having an absolutely great time, seeing a ton of things, pushing time limits, staying out till the sun came up and then I blew my plan. Rachel and I decided that we were going to just have a nice dinner, the two of us, and in the middle of conversation walking to the restaurant, I spilled my news. She of course was so excited and it was completely opposite of what I was expecting but it was great. Then, because of her, I realized that being gay wasn’t going to change my life, just add to it. Being gay is just a small part of who I am.
Rachel got married this weekend to a wonderful, caring, loving man. Here are some of the pictures from their wedding.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Doing Nothing

I was watching this Janet Jackson video and it just amazed me how people just don't hang out. Maybe it's adulthood, but even though, we always have an agenda. We're either meeting for lunch, to talk about something specific, or have something planned immediately afterward that moves us to depart and go on with our day. This is not necessarily a bad thing, I just miss that doing nothing feeling.

I got home from work this afternoon, it was raining, and I just wanted to accomplish nothing. I just wanted to sit and watch a movie so I thought, revisit my old favorite "Empire Records". Again, this movie is a great reminder of how in our youth, we just hung out. No agenda, no purpose and no goal needing to be obtained; just company of friends and the possibility of anything.

I'm ending this blog with the video from The The which is featured at the end of the movie. It's a great little feel good song.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where is Conversation Going?

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the art of conversation, or the lack there of. The Victorians would sit in the Parlor. In the fifties, they would take their coffee in the sitting room and in the eighties, the coffee house. Today conversation is not an art, but more of an extinct activity like kick the can or red rover.
Yesterday I had a wonderful morning with my friend Donna. Donna is an extremely active senior and I use the term senior loosely because she does not act, look, or personify in any way what our society would have us think a senior any age over seventy years old should act like. We went to a movie and spent the rest of the morning laughing, eating and talking. We miss so much in each other when we don’t have that part of communication. The part when there is no pressure, no time constraints, just talking, listening, and enjoying the company of other people around you.
Unfortunately the art of conversation is easily diffused and can quickly be replaced with texting, email, facebook, and a list a mile long of other ways to communicate with one another. This amazes me because we want to connect with one another. That’s why we’re so addicted to reality television, tabloid magazines, and just knowing other people’s business. We are a pack, a herd, a gaggle and we need that human connection more than ever.
I find myself getting into more conversations lately than I have in the last ten years. I know it makes me better. Not just socially but emotionally because I was there for another person, and listened to their story and they’re listening to mine. It’s like free therapy but more intimate. Each one of our stories are extremely important because that is what makes us alive. We need to listen and be heard because that is how we relate to one another.
I acknowledge the relevance of the media, and of new technologically based social networks, but we still need that lean in, the smile back, the “oh my god, really?”, and the laughter. I would challenge everyone to at least once a day, ask someone how they’re doing and ask for the real answer and then listen. What would that do for the both of you? Maybe ask someone what they were listening to on the way to work that morning. How would that small conversation evolve and change your lives? I guess the challenge is even more simple than that, just push someone a little to talk and that will produce conversation. Just know that we have the time to do it. Regardless of what our daily lives say, time doesn’t cost money and time will only go away when we do.

Oh Tyler Perry

I love all things Tyler Perry. I think that he is a fantastic film maker who is overlooked for his phenomenal way of letting us look at an example of part of our modern condition. He is able to show slices of life in such a well rounded way that we only take it for entertainment when in all actuality, he has given us a message and a view of someone real that we would have never seen before. This is his next movie to come up and I believe it will be his best one yet.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

It's October 15th

Where have these last 2 months gone? I am just boggled that one day, I was making the conscious decision to just relax for an entire day and then it was the beginning of October..... That's not good. Well, I have to go take some promotional pictures for Hottalkla.com. I will later be adding more but for the moment, I want to point out this new campaign that is coinciding with the No H8 campaign. Here is the video. OK, have a great day. You'll read more later but to give you a little tease. I cut off all my hair, have a new Dina and Gregg Show video coming up and an exciting new project.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hot Los Angeles

It’s been extremely hot in Los Angeles the last couple days. Not just hot, but dry, angry desert heat that I haven’t felt since I lived in Las Vegas. Being LA though, this is extremely abnormal and feels more like the hot days in July and August back home when you can hear the heat in the power lines. Where the air is thick and the weather person on the news cast talks of the heat index. Those days, where your parents tell you to be in by 10am because it is just too hot to play outside.

Well, while I sit in my bed writing this at a little before nine in the morning, that is what I am reminded of; Those days because I have the air conditioning going constantly and water right beside me. I always thought of those days as snow days in the summer because the only thing you can do is sit inside, watch movies, clean, or bake. When the oven goes on, the air gets turned up even more. I don’t even want to mention the horrible habit, yet love, of turning the air up so you can curl up in a blanket. Yes, it is such a waste of energy but once in a while, it just feels too amazing. Take a nap, watch a movie, talk on the phone: Everything we don’t have time for in our everyday lives. Somehow though, I now sound like a teenage girl. Oh well.


I went and saw Catfish yesterday. I went in thinking that it may possibly be a scary film, similar to Paranormal Activity which came out last summer. It is completely not even close to a horror film. I find it better going into the film knowing this because it will make it easier to focus. It really is a great film that shows how our technology can be a vehicle for so much more than what we use it for, being for the good or bad. The movie also shares a great example of how we really are in need of human connection. That connection that is being missed completely every day and even though we don't acknowledge we are missing it, we desire it and yearn for it.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Large Changes

I'm contemplating the idea of dropping everything, my job, life in LA, my podcast, to travel the country by car getting to know our beautiful country a little bit closer. I don't have focus in my life at all. I am just going day to day living through the actions, just as a cardboard cut-out that is suppose to do these actions every day. Well, that has never been me, and it really just doesn't work well for me. I'm not depressed right now, not dead inside, nor walking around asleep. I'm fully conscious that this is happening, I just feel antsy and that I'm not living to my full potential.
I realize that I am at a point right now that bills are paid, there is no commitment for where I am living, and my relationships in Los Angeles are strong enough that I don't have to live so close to these amazing people. I'm not committed solely to another man, and have no children at the time, so why not take on this adventure? It sounds like something that will be a challenge to me and not something that will just come along easily. It will take work, commitment, and a lot of patients. I will have to have some strict boundaries for this journey so I stay on point as well as am not falling into old patterns.

Well there's a little sharing about what may be next. If you read this, please leave a comment. I'm anxious to hear what others may be thinking about this.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This Old School House in Lyndon Station

I’ve been thinking a lot about my hometown lately. For those of you who haven’t ever heard me talk about where I grew up, here is the synopsis. The name of my hometown is Lyndon Station. It sits about an hour north of Madison, and is ten miles north of the famous Wisconsin Dells. It’s a tiny little blip of a town with about four hundred and fifty people. It has a general store, a gas station, 2 churches, a park, a hardware store bank and post office. It has 2 trailer parks, one of which I called my home for 16 years, and some of the best, most kind people you could ever meet. I was blessed to grow up there and learn everything that I did in my youth for having grown up in such a wonderful small village.
The reason I began thinking about home was because something I heard on NPR a couple days ago. They were talking about the age of school houses and how our education system has become what it is now. For me, school houses aren’t something unknown in history. When I was in elementary school, I was actually in a school house. Until 1989, students in Lyndon Station were still using a 2 story school house. I spent some time searching the Internet for any pictures that might still be out there of it but unfortunately, I couldn’t find any. So, in the fashion of writing, I will paint you a picture with words.
When you walked through the double doors, you has a small vestibule, and then another set of double doors. This school was completely reciprocate, so on the back of the school, you had the same doors, which then, after you walked through the second set of doors, were stairs. The stairs to the right went up to the bathrooms, 3 classrooms and library. The stairs to the left went downstairs to the cafeteria, small gymnasium and the boiler room.
When you got to the top of the stairs, there were hooks along the sides of the wide hallway for coats and bags. The bathrooms were here, with the women’s on the left, and the men’s on the right. Then, after those, were the classrooms. On the right, next to the men’s room, was the 3rd and 4th grade classroom. At that time, Mrs. Wolfgram was teaching those grades. I unfortunately don’t remember her too well. I remember her pushing me though, to get my homework done and complete and trust that I know and will retain what I learned.
Across the hall was the 1st and second grade classroom. That was Mr. Ingels and he was one of those teachers that really encouraged me and made sure that I knew it was great that I loved learning things. He would always say, “Now that you know that, what can you do with it?”
The other two rooms upstairs were the library, where I practically memorized every book on frogs, and the kindergarten room, where I had my first kiss from Erin Hall. Right behind the barn that Mrs. Kramer somehow fit in the room. I saw Mrs. Kramer when I graduated high school. Her daughter was one of my friends and fellow students and the day we graduated, I realized that Amy had that same beautiful kindness that her mother had which I remember still from the first day of kindergarten.
Downstairs was the cafeteria that Betty, Erin’s Grandma, would serve us lunch. Berta would help her and it was always the best food ever. She only had to cook for at the most, 50 people a day, so she would always make it extra special. When I got to middle school in Mauston, I remember my extreme disappointment when lunch came that first day. Erin, Ryan, Jessica, Josh and I sat there looking at our trays just thinking, what is this and where is Betty?
The other room in the basement was our gymnasium with the boiler room off of it. The gym was small, with low ceilings so when we played basketball, we were rockstars. The boiler room was only notable for one reason, it’s where we learned that our teachers smoked. Teachers weren’t suppose to smoke. It was like finding out that there is no Santa Claus.
Well, that was where I went to school for four years. Our little school house, with the large no screened window that tilted outward and one could easily jump out of. The little school house that had a great old fashioned jungle gym in the back. Its so funny how we don’t really think of these significant markers in our lives but then with a little trigger, we unleash an ocean of memories.
I couldn’t find the school house, but here are a couple pictures from my hometown. I hope this made you think about where you come from and the reason that you may treasure it.

Waiting for Superman

I saw this trailer a while ago but then came across it again today. Twice. Thought that it was definitely worth posting and is a needed wake up call. Just the trailer inspires me so I can't imagine what the movie will do. Well, you decide and tell me what you think. The one thing that I can add though is that while you watch this trailer, think of the amazing teachers that touched you and inspired you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Huffington Post Article on LGBT University Students

I came across this and just thought it was a good little read. We have to remind ourselves that even though we're getting further on different human rights, we still have a ways to go. It also reminds us that issues still come up in venues that we don't necessarily focus on.

RIP Houlihan's Wisconsin Dells

This last week I got some news of Houlihan’s, a restaurant where I spent a good portion of my adult life, has closed down. Obviously, anyone who has spent more than five minutes in the restaurant business knows that concepts come and go and the consumer wants change. With that said, a large group of us still feel a loss because we became adults there. I began as a bartender at Houlihan’s the summer ’09. I was nineteen years old, hadn’t a clue of who I was, and thought that it was time to actually learn how to serve and bartend. How was I to know that this experience would change who I was, how I let people into my life, and teach me the survival skills that would make me who I am the rest of my motivated life?

I was with the company on and off until I was 27. I have done everything for them and am eternally grateful to the ownership and upper management for giving me the experience and the guidance. Not only did I receive all that, but I have to this date, a very supportive family and group of friends because of it. I am a firm believer that greatness attracts other greatness and that is exactly what happened. In the few years to follow me being hired at Houlihans, a plethora of great people joined our team, not to mention the ones who were already there, and those people became my family. When I look at my inner circle of friends today, those people make up over half of my inner circle. Something was done correctly in the universe if my soul crossed paths with all of those extremely beautiful people in those years. That is something to be happy about.

Here is just one of the many triggers I have that rush a million memories at me.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Just a Monday

Yesterday I was in my pajamas until 6pm. Yes, me, who gets up, makes his bed and jumps into the shower, was in his pj's until the early evening and it felt marvelous. My one outcome of this though, especially as I begin putting together this next life project is, Do I have completely too much time to dwell on myself? With all that time dwelling on myself, maybe some of it should be more focused on the bigger picture? Either way, its just a thought..... Now here is some music.

Friday, September 10, 2010

About a month ago, I finished up with work and decided to take my camera for a walk. This gave me a great opportunity to take a walking tour of Slilverlake. This is a very mystical part of Los Angeles that I have frequented often but have never quite taken the time get to know personally. On this particular afternoon, my good friend Micheal was available and he went with me. It really was a great afternoon. Here are some of my favorite shots from that shoot.

Our latest Show

So I have been the worst blogger. This weekend though, I will get everyone all caught up. 1st of all, here is our new show.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Travel for free

I came across this article that happens to be going right along with what is going on in my head right now. Food for thought.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How much education???

Something that has come up around me lately is the question of how much education is enough education? I know it seams like a no brainer, being that we will always be educated. Not a day goes by where we don 't learn something new and add it to our lives. Even if we are house bound and the only thing that we have to connect us to the outer world is our television, we still will learn something new.
The focus that I'm asking though is in formal education. The reason this is my topic on this beautiful Thursday morning is in response to an article I read in the NY Times today. It looks at continued education at the middle aged and elderly stand point. Is there room for it in our education system. Well of course it is. Not only does it generate income for the universities, but everyone of all ages want to feel that they are bettering themselves. This doesn't even begin to focus on the social aspect that a classroom setting gives to this group of individuals that would not normally be surrounded by other focused, inspired students. Here is the link to the article if you have any further interest in it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A morning of whateva!!!

This morning I awoke to a feeling of whateva. What is this you ask? It is that feeling that your world could be falling apart, the house could be burning down, your spouse could be screaming at you and your response is, "whateva".

This is not a way that I normally feel. My psyche has usually already made me a list of things that have to get done before I even awake, and my anxiety has usually crept up on me with in moments of waking, but today was not that case.

I woke at 6:30am, and then went back to bed and slept for another hour. No damage was done, and nothing groundbreaking happened, I just slept. So, how do we hold onto the "Whateva" feeling. My conclusion is we don't. We appreciate that it has happen, invest a little time into seeing how we could have more of them, and move one. I'm already still a pretty relaxed person once I've been awake for a while. Its only the first hour really where I feel the anxiety but today, all I have to say is whateva!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Uncharacteristically Subliminal

Today as I was driving home, minding my own business, aligning my afternoon agenda in my head and I happened to notice a billboard a little differently than I had every other time I’ve seen it over the last three weeks. Today, as I looked up at this Levi Jeans ad on this billboard at the corner of La Brea and Beverly, I took note of what the fuzzy background was: a campfire. Then, as I looked closer, I realized that it was not a woman pushing a man but it was actually a man pushing a man. The slogan on the billboard reads “There is a lot of work to get done, and undone” What?

This is in Los Angeles, practically in West Hollywood, where it is culturally acceptable to throw images of gay men and women out there for the public to view. Why is this particular campaign so sneaky about it? It isn’t like a few years ago when Dolce n Gabbana had their spring underwear photographs that strategically placed all these half naked men in uncompromising positions. The D&G campaign could easily fool an unsuspecting metro-sexual male from some small city in the Midwest into making the mistake that the ad as truly just an underwear ad. He may think,” I need this underwear so I can be attractive like these men” as the bandwagon technique of advertising would want us to do.

The difference between these two ads is that any gay man would see the D&G ad and immediately notice the pile of naked men a mile high reminding them of last Saturday night. The Levi ad, not so much! The question I throw at the advertising firms of this new decade is, what would happen if there was a little more wit thrown into these ads such as the Levi billboard? I feel that it makes me, as a consumer, regarded as someone who has higher intelligence to figure this out, as well as the feeling that the advertisement is panhandling to a different class of consumers. Somewhat like a witty sophistication or better yet, a trickster hipster campaign. You fooled me, so maybe I will buy your product.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A little lift

Yesterday I awoke from a nap and felt like the entire world had been sitting on me while I slept. I was seriously numb. Today I woke up and was terribly ill. In the line of work that pays my bills right now, I have to wake up terribly early and can't always get out of my shift even though I really need to just take care of myself.

Taking care of myself is something I've never been very good at and I work at it constantly every day to try and make sure I am good before I move on to helping others because bottom line: We cannot help others if we're not good ourselves.

As always lately, I don't have a ton of time to give to my blog, but here are a couple things. First is the link to our latest show.


Next is another sample of "I Have Three Kinds of Hiccups" It hasn't been edited too much, but I wanted to appease to my friends, family and fans who have been wanting to read a little more. Thank you all for being so great!

It must have been how Dorothy first felt when she arrived. Strange people, singing, speaking their own language, doing odd little dances. This feeling of being completely lost wondering, “I don’t remember getting my passport stamped.” For Dorothy, this place was OZ. For me, this place was The Cheesecake Factory and instead of Munchkins, I had gay boys. I guess you could call them gaynchkins.
There I was minding my own business, writing out a re-fire ticket for a Chicken Madeira that my table was waiting on and all of a sudden from behind me, “S.O.S. Please someone help me.” Was Rihanna here, back in the server line with me? Nope, it was Pierre and his parade of gay. This was the norm at my new found place of employment and how was I to know that it would be an education as powerful as the one I received in Los Vegas.
In Los Vegas, I didn’t become adapt to having gay friends. I had gay friends, but not many. Until I got to L.A., I was still the gay boy submerged in with all of the heterosexuals, but now, that I was among only gay men, I had to get acclimated. This not only meant making friends with them, but making the attempt to not sleep with them or judge them right away so that they still want to be your friend after the initial meeting. I was a total lost soul. I know it seems like it should be simple, especially coming from me who is great with mostly everyone, but it was hard. Not in a good way.
I shut down completely at first. A blessing was Christina. She moved to L.A. with me and transferred into the same restaurant that I was working in. She was not shutting down at all because for her, nothing had changed. So, while I was quite learning a new job, she was meeting everyone and telling me about them when we would go out at night.

And Finally, here is a song for everyone to hit play, and get you moving into the rest of your day or night. It just has that feeling that makes me want to dance and smile. Life really is fantastic. Good night everyone!!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prop 8 and a new show

As many of you already know, gay men and women can begin to get married, again, on Monday.
So far, this is my favorite article. It's from the Huffington Post.


And now, our new show....... I'll write a bit more later on a new thought I had. Its on the there being a fine line between something being challenging, and something being aggravating.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Another early night

It's about 8:30pm, and its about time I that I have to go to bed. I have early shifts this week that require me to get up at 3:00am. I did see a couple things today though that have some interest of mine that I thought I would share.

The first is a cartoon that I found in the New York Times after I started writing a new play. First, I'm going to just give you the beginning two paragraphs of my new play, and then I will attach the cartoon. It is so funny how they parallel.

I think the biggest problem with the world today isn’t homelessness, it isn’t the deficit. Hell, it isn’t even the homosexuals….. What it is, is the fact that we, as humans, are getting further and further apart from each other mentally and emotionally, yet we are getting closer and closer together physically.
Now, I don’t mean physically as in bodies sweating naked in lust; I mean, we are actually getting so close to each other, that you can start driving in Pismo Beach California, and the only time you see just space between there and Tijuana is Camp Pendleton. That is so many people, so close to each other and all them have a cell phone, and a laptop, and are on email, facebook, IMing….
That is the problem, we have our little worlds out there in cyberspace, that we don’t have our physical worlds happening consciously. I was sitting in the bank yesterday and thought, as I was waiting to get my money from the attendant, “what would happen if the power went out? All these people in here would have no clue what to do” But really, everyone at the ATM would have to come inside, all the people who are avoiding others by being on their phone, tweeting, emailing, talking, would have to actually digest the people around them and maybe hold a conversation with these strangers. At the least they would have to say, “What do you think happened?”

Prop 8 has been one of the largest controversies here in California over the last year and the state will finally be making a decision on it tomorrow. Here is a youtube interview from towlroad.com that has some information and below it is the direct link to the article.


And last, there is a new Dina and Gregg Show....... Here it is everyone. Have a great night and look forward to our newest addition to hottalkla.com Dina and Gregg Off the Mic.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

A new look

Sorry if I'm throwing everyone off with the look of tookpotter.com right now. I just am playing with some looks to see what the website may be turning into. Since it is still attached to my blog, it's a great chance to experiment.
So, I just want to throw a couple things at you on this Sunday night. It has been a great yet very active weekend and I am looking forward to True Blood in just a little bit. I will definitely take some time tomorrow to catch you up on the weekend, as well as I hope you're looking forward to some new samples of "I Have 3 Kinds of Hiccups" as well as a couple samples of new projects I have in the works. Not to mention, a new Dina and Gregg show, with a fantastic new contest as well as the all new "Off the Mic with Dina and Gregg" Its going to be an amazing week.
So, the first post I want on this Sunday evening is the latest Dina and Gregg video. It is a promotional video for Dina's Boobie Bank.... Here you go!

The next thing I saw today was this article in the Huffington Post. It originally was published on Thursday but had more influence today and was revised. It is a great example of how all of our culture is changing and being influenced. We have to be reminded that social change is happening all over the globe. We assume it is, but we have to be conscience to it. http://http//www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/31/catholic-patriarch-blasts_n_665720.html

The final topic that I am bringing up tonight is something I am so proud of. One of my closest friends from college, Holly Lynn, is a finalist with her fiance Allison for a wedding at http://http//freedom2wed.com/vote/. Voting begins today and goes through September 30th. I am asking all Dina and Gregg Show listeners to vote, as well as all of my tookpotter followers. The Dina and Gregg Show is holding a contest though and it is a scavenger hunt. Please make sure you know all of the rules before voting for Holly and Allison because part of the scavenger hunt deals with you voting for them. Regardless of it all though, these are two very special women in my life and being able to help them win this is a huge deal to me. I am making it as easy as possible for you to vote for them by giving you the website(above) and now showing you their video. I will leave you for the night, with the two of them talking about love. I'm warning you, it may choke you up a bit. Sweet dreams everyone!

Friday, July 30, 2010

On and on... the continuation of being off work on a random Friday

Time for an update on my day. I stopped into work to meet some friends for lunch, and then came and hid over in Los Feliz to get some more work done and see a movie. I'm going to finally see "The Kids are Alright" If you haven't heard of it, or forgot what it is, here is the trailer for you to get acquainted. I posted it before, but it definitely deserves a re-post.

But first, lets take a moment and talk about how Dina and Gregg got to go play on the set of The Cavanaughs a few weeks ago and now our episode is up. It is a project that Dina and I really enjoy and definitely respect its place in entertainment right now. If you haven't watched it yet, take a look. If you like what you see, definitely go to You Tube or their website(http://http//www.the-cavanaughs.com/), and see the rest of the show. Dina and I definitely come back later in the season.

And now, for your reading pleasure, is a new exert of "I Have 3 Kinds of Hiccups" I haven't given my readers any of it in a while and I figured its time to give you a little more nibble.... Talk to you soon!

There I was, laying down dead, in the parking lot outside of the Polo Towers off the strip in Las Vegas. That was the day I turned 23 and just earlier that week, the horrible song “Its your Birthday” by 50 Cent came out and that is all I was hearing everywhere. Especially while I was on the ground, waiting to figure out what my next move was.
The evening started off with a nice dinner at PF Changs, with Regan, Stella, Michael Murphy, Matt, my roommate Kati, George and some guy that Michael Murphy was seeing at the time. It was a great dinner, followed by a great show, Margeret Cho, and then somewhere it turned around and I had two Apple Martini’s in my hand, was flirting with an old flame Mikey, and was hollering at the President of the Gay Fraternity at UNLV because he was hitting on Angela but was clearly gay. However the situation really was that evening, this is the perspective that stays in my mind and probably will never be replaced.
Now, you ask, how did you end up on the ground Gregg? Well it’s very simple. I thought I was god and could fly! No, that wasn’t it, but it was close. I decided I was going to do barrel turns through the parking lot. At that moment, in my state of clarity, I was calling them wheel barrel turns; hence why I ended up on my back in the parking lot of the Polo Towers, and now, at age 30, still have this scar on my elbow from that moment. There I was, on the ground, drunk, trying to convince Matt, Angela, and Patrick that I fell on purpose and I could be a stunt double. Yep. Drunk!
A few weeks ago, I was home in Madison, WI, and went swimming in Lake Monona at bar time with some friends. When we got out, we then saw the high bacteria sign that stated no swimming was allowed at that beach. This didn’t bother me a bit when we first saw it, but once back in LA, working, with an itch on my elbow, I got extremely terrified. I thought that I had contracted some sort of worm from when we went swimming. I immediately called Allysa, asked if she had any ailments? Then, called Dina, told her I was coming over because I had a worm I needed her to look at. You know, seeing how she has soooo much experience in the medical field. She had her computer and Wi Fi. Together, I figured we could diagnose this from the Internet.
Well, needless to say, It only happened to be a bug bite, right on this u-shaped scar from my 23rd birthday. I was convinced that I had something growing under my skin. The part about it that adds to the irony of it is I am by all means, not even close to a hypochondriac. Just a gay boy freaked out by a bump on my elbow.
The point of this story is, no matter what age, we still think that we are invincible when lubricated with alcohol. Just ask my grandma!

The Act of Theatre in our Daily Lives

I took off work today. Not so much because I have a doctor appointment in a while, and not so much that I am feeling ill, but to throw it out ito the world that this is how I want my actual life to be. I will always work extremel hard, no matter what I do with my life. That is a pure fact to who I am. Unfortunately though, I have difficulty letting go of this comfort idea, and the routine of doing what I have always done. The truth of it all is that isn't what I really want to do with my life at all. So, today is dedicated to throwing it out into the world that this, writng, creating, enpowering people, is truely what I want to be doing. My day is an example of what that may look like on a much larger scale so not only is it floating out there in the world as something concrete, but it is something to strive for. I'm pumped to see where this will all go. Part of me feels like I am on vacation, which is essentially how I feel life should be in the first place.
Have a great morning everyone. I'll keep you posted through the day and let you know what is happening.">

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another Day in LA

The last couple weeks I've been in and out of a small funk. Nothing major or life changing, just a point of reference to make sure everything is in check. I've spent some time looking at my finances, my love life, my job, my career. It hasn't been an attempt to solve anything,but acknowledge that these are areas that need a little attention. This happens to all of us more and more as we get past the age of 25. We have the need to feel more secure in our decisions and where we are at in the scape of things. The unfortunate thing is that this tends to cause us to take less risks and that in not good in any aspect. It goes back to the basic idea of one life, better make the most of it.

I wanted to post a couple things that I saw in the news today. It is always good to keep things in check, or at least acknowledge that these things and people are out there.... Like Glenn Beck. Even though many of us just tune him out, we have to remember that many people do not and are very much influenced by him. Just like in this story.

Also in The Huffington Post today was the story about the oil spill near Kalamazoo, MI. This is insane because there is so much oil in this spill and there are not enough resources to get it cleaned up. Needless to say all of the wildlife that is so Midwest specific and already in danger of loosing habitat.

And for now, I'll leave you with the latest Single Life with Sam Phillips. My lovely co-hostess found herself in the studio with them this last Friday and got some time with our friend Sam. As always, check out all the other great shows on Hottalkla.com. Have a great night!!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Hello on a Monday night

Well, its almost bed time but I want my readers to at least see a couple great things before I close my eyes for the night. The first thing is that we have a new show out. Here is the link... http://http//www.hottalkla.com/htla/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=61&Itemid=320

Also, check out one of my best friend's new albums..... Eating Alone's The Long Haul
you can find it on itunes at this address

And now, I just want to leave you with this little history lesson from funnyordie.com....Its too funny and there is plenty more where this came from. Check it out for a great laugh

Drunk History Vol. 5 w/ Will Ferrell, Don Cheadle & Zooey Deschanel from Will Ferrell">

Sunday, July 25, 2010

So much stuff

This afternoon I feel the weight of not keeping up on my blog. There is so much going on and I'm not conveniently sharing it so that it is fun to read. Instead, I try to write down as much as possible at once and then inevitably forget stuff and overwhelm my readers. Well, I'm working on it. We'll see what comes from that.

The first thing that I have today is a news story from yesterday that didn't get as much attention as I would have hoped. It took place in Germany where there was a love festival. In this "Love Parade", 19 people lost their lives when panic arose in a tunnel and a stampede then followed. The festival will now be cancelled in the future. I don't know how I feel about this. Here is the link I found on the examiner.com.

I have 2 more things to share before run off for the rest of the afternoon. The first is my new favorite dance song. You know, for at least the next 20 minutes. The final thing is the latest from the New York group, Improv Everywhere. I love their movement of theatre and feel that all theatre should portray the audience's sense of involvement that they give.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Saturday Night In

Its Saturday July 17th, and I am in, for no reason, I just ended up in the house. A shower of self pity came over me earlier, which is ridiculous, I know, but it did. I waited to blog until it was gone because I don't want that to take up space that I put my name on. I attached one of my favorite songs to the beginning of this entry to ensure that my earlier energy isn't attached.

This particular song, London Skies, by Jamie Cullum, is particularily close to my heart. It reminds me of one of my favorite time periods of my life. It was the latter end of the summer of 2008 and I was living with Alyssa. I was also working on the peir at the Edgewater in Madison, WI. I spent my days out on the lake taking care of people, and then at night, I was with brilliant, wonderful people who I loved being around. That was on the threshold of me making my triumphant return to Los Angeles. That was almost 2 years ago.

Since those care free days on the lake, much has changed. I would go in the general direction for the good though. One of the largest things of course would be The Dina and Gregg Show. We're going on a year strong. Here is a couple things to notice about it.

I am also thankful for my circle of friends. I of course, have my group of friends that I had from when I lived out here years ago, but I have made some other really great friends. I really am so lucky in that department of my life. Even with Jean and me, we have a beautiful apartment in Hancock Park and it is just a great space that I never really thought I would live in.

I have also been with my job for almost the entire 2 years. I've never been one to not hold onto a job. But I have stuck it through with them for a while now and one has to keep the question in mind of, where is it going? I still have the power and energy to climb up the coorperate ladder of course, but most likely no, I won't be doing that.

Any way, I am going to get back to some other writing so good night. Have a wonderful Saturday night. I promise, I won't make you wait this long in the future.

I'm going to leave you with music that I'm working to right now. The group Floetry came out a few years ago and never got the dues that they deserved. I loved them and still do. Their album is frequently heard in my home.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Just a Note on a Sunday Night

These last two weeks have been a whirlwind of adventure, intrigue, and in my face reality of my life. I haven't written anything, my blog or anything else for that matter, because of it. I do know that for the last few days, I've been haunted by a sort of "shit spiral" that I can't shake off. As I get ready for bed tonight, and lay down to read a bit more about the phenomenal Eleanor Roosevelt, I will go to sleep confident that this short term phase is over. The truth is that not one horrible thing has happened to me in this time but precisely, the opposite has happened. I've had many things and ideas revealed to me as well as I've gotten to know myself even better. I haven't even began to comment on the advances in my career. I will share everything with you all tomorrow. I just needed to mention it tonight before I brush my teeth. Good night world.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

So tired

I've been so tired these last couple days because I'm still trying to catch up on sleep from an amazing weekend. I am so lucky and grateful for everything I have and yet, I just want to crawl into bed. I do want to say how entertaining today has been. I have had run ins with some great new friends, some great new people have been met, and I connected tonight on facebook with a couple old friends. I'm pretty lucky and now I'm off to bed. First though, I want to leave you with this great Paul Abdul video from the nineties. I heard it this last weekend and I forgot how much I loved it. I'll have the pictures up tomorrow from my trip. It was a fantastic trip.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Every trip home gets heavier

By this, I just mean that I am beginning this amazing day, here to celebrate Joe and Kristin, and I'm thinking how difficult it is to think that I will be back in LA on Monday. There just isn't enough time and It gets more difficult each time to say good bye. Any way, I'm off. I'm in the middle of a marathon...... well, metaphorically.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

More about this new book

I finished my movie today and was going to go write in Barnes & Noble. I decided not to stay, then thought I'd walk through the biography section but as I was walking, a kid ran through, I ran into the shelf and saw this book....... If I Live To Be 100 by Neenah Ellis. Now I can't put it down. Most of the time, we pick out a book but this book, it picked me.

Here is a couple other thinks I wanted to point out today..

The first is this article in the New York Times Magazine's interview with Eminem.... Its worth reading. http://http//www.nytimes.com/2010/06/20/magazine/20fob-q4-t.html?src=smt3

The second is a little comedy from about 15 years ago. I was with a bunch of people this weekend and we got talking about these sketches

And Finally, here's an indulgent movie that I cannot wait for... Have a productive Monday everyone.