While I was procrastinating today, I did get a chance to catch up with my cousin Jacqueline. Gr owning up, I didn't have a sister that I could talk to, so I had her. We unfortunately don't see each other as much as I would like to, or even talk to her as often as I would like, but I know she's there, and I'm confident that she knows that I am always here for her. Her and I were in the middle of so much when we were young, and it is astonishing to think that we both ended up normal; For what ever normal is worth. She is so fantastic though and has become so successful and I am so happy to call her my cousin and friend.

is just as content though. That little person is just thinking, how much longer will I need to be placed here? 1 minute? 5 minutes? Please just give me a timeline so I don't lose my cool. I will shit my pants though if need be to get
me off of this ass with the ass!
As for the rest of this week. I've been so busy with my day job that I haven't gotten hardly any chance to work on new material or write even a bit. I am on the move to find a new literary agent so if any of my readers have any ideas, email me at gregg@dinaandgreggshow.com. Any help at the moment would be greatly appreciated.
The final thing that I'm going to leave this post with is the last show of 2 Guys and a Mic. If you haven't listened to their show yet, you need to start. The hosts are Ken and Rich, and their banter is definitely something to have on listening to when you're working on something that is not necessarily a task that is happy. Their last show though, had a lot of added Dina and Gregg stuff. Happy Listening!!! Oh, and Happy Friday for everyone who's Friday is tomorrow.

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