I finished work on Friday night, ran home, showered, went to dinner and then continued this pattern of one highlight to another. I love it but that gets to be exhausting. I'm looking back at the weekend and realize that I ran constantly and as I am writing this now, need to get back into my bed so I can be up for work at 4am.

The highlights of the weekend were amazing so I have nothing to complain about. I got some good one on one time with Stella. She came down from Seattle and we went to dinner, hung out. Christine came up for Dina's pre-Birthday event. We turned the pub over on Vermont st. into an impromptu gay bar. I went home, slept for a couple hours, and then finish up our American Cancer Society Relay for life. Here is a link for anyone who would still like to donate money to the cause. Our team is team Verona.
I didn't finish up until about 9am this morning but it was completely worth every lap. If you ever get a chance to participate in a relay for life, its an amazing experience. And, its kind of like camping.
Today I just lounged around and slept. I don't take many opportunities to spend the day in my pajamas but I definitely did today. Now, for all of you who love True Blood. Get a load of this...
As for everything else, I will have to catch you up all tomorrow. It is time for me to go back to bed. Stay tuned for another sample of my upcoming book, "I Have 3 Kinds of Hiccups"
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