It has been a great day. There was a group of classes that I took a while ago and in them, we were presented with the idea over and over again of sharing. Share with everyone, with in reason, what is going on in your life. You never know who needs help and who ca
n assist you. That is the cosmic joke of the world is that we don't know what we don't know. In these classes I took, there was one more addition to this thought though: You don't know what you don't know and you don't know that. It really does make sense when you think about it.
Well with that said. Our new show is up on and on itunes. Please check us out. This new move to Hot Talk LA has definitely made a difference. Here's the link. Ann Walker stopped in and made it even crazier, as always.

Well with that said. Our new show is up on and on itunes. Please check us out. This new move to Hot Talk LA has definitely made a difference. Here's the link. Ann Walker stopped in and made it even crazier, as always.
Yesterday we lost one of my favorite actress, Dixie Carter passed away yesterday. I know it sounds a little nuts, but I saw so much in her character Julia. Even as a young child, I noticed how this put together woman always had control of every situation. I also loved how once in a while, when she was pushed about something she was passionate about, she would then lose her cool. Even then, when she would get pissed, she still had her intellegence, stanima and sophistication with her. I like to think that is how I am. With a little less situational comedic writing. Or maybe a little more. Well, here are a couple videos. One of a famous Julia break down. The other is about the ladies of Designing Women talk about gay marraige. It still prides me that so many sit coms in the late 80's and 90's had so much knowledge and forsight on this topic.
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