I learned that my last links weren't going anywhere but they're all fixed now. I hope that every ones week is going well. Mines got me a bit slow but I will get over it. I always do. "We are intrepid" That is one of my favorite quotes from the movie Elizabethtown. I did take a sex and relationship class on Monday night that I'm really excited to discuss but unfortunately that will not happen tonight. I am off to bed in just a few. I do want to leave you though with the link to the new Dina and Gregg Show as well as a trailer to a movie that I am so excited to go see.

And this, I'm just putting this in here because. It makes me laugh and it's so absurd. I am a little sad though because it doesn't have the radio commercial in it. The one with "He can pop open a pinata with a wink and a smile." Stay thirsty my friends.
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