Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A morning of whateva!!!

This morning I awoke to a feeling of whateva. What is this you ask? It is that feeling that your world could be falling apart, the house could be burning down, your spouse could be screaming at you and your response is, "whateva".

This is not a way that I normally feel. My psyche has usually already made me a list of things that have to get done before I even awake, and my anxiety has usually crept up on me with in moments of waking, but today was not that case.

I woke at 6:30am, and then went back to bed and slept for another hour. No damage was done, and nothing groundbreaking happened, I just slept. So, how do we hold onto the "Whateva" feeling. My conclusion is we don't. We appreciate that it has happen, invest a little time into seeing how we could have more of them, and move one. I'm already still a pretty relaxed person once I've been awake for a while. Its only the first hour really where I feel the anxiety but today, all I have to say is whateva!

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