Saturday, September 25, 2010

Large Changes

I'm contemplating the idea of dropping everything, my job, life in LA, my podcast, to travel the country by car getting to know our beautiful country a little bit closer. I don't have focus in my life at all. I am just going day to day living through the actions, just as a cardboard cut-out that is suppose to do these actions every day. Well, that has never been me, and it really just doesn't work well for me. I'm not depressed right now, not dead inside, nor walking around asleep. I'm fully conscious that this is happening, I just feel antsy and that I'm not living to my full potential.
I realize that I am at a point right now that bills are paid, there is no commitment for where I am living, and my relationships in Los Angeles are strong enough that I don't have to live so close to these amazing people. I'm not committed solely to another man, and have no children at the time, so why not take on this adventure? It sounds like something that will be a challenge to me and not something that will just come along easily. It will take work, commitment, and a lot of patients. I will have to have some strict boundaries for this journey so I stay on point as well as am not falling into old patterns.

Well there's a little sharing about what may be next. If you read this, please leave a comment. I'm anxious to hear what others may be thinking about this.

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