Wednesday, September 15, 2010

RIP Houlihan's Wisconsin Dells

This last week I got some news of Houlihan’s, a restaurant where I spent a good portion of my adult life, has closed down. Obviously, anyone who has spent more than five minutes in the restaurant business knows that concepts come and go and the consumer wants change. With that said, a large group of us still feel a loss because we became adults there. I began as a bartender at Houlihan’s the summer ’09. I was nineteen years old, hadn’t a clue of who I was, and thought that it was time to actually learn how to serve and bartend. How was I to know that this experience would change who I was, how I let people into my life, and teach me the survival skills that would make me who I am the rest of my motivated life?

I was with the company on and off until I was 27. I have done everything for them and am eternally grateful to the ownership and upper management for giving me the experience and the guidance. Not only did I receive all that, but I have to this date, a very supportive family and group of friends because of it. I am a firm believer that greatness attracts other greatness and that is exactly what happened. In the few years to follow me being hired at Houlihans, a plethora of great people joined our team, not to mention the ones who were already there, and those people became my family. When I look at my inner circle of friends today, those people make up over half of my inner circle. Something was done correctly in the universe if my soul crossed paths with all of those extremely beautiful people in those years. That is something to be happy about.

Here is just one of the many triggers I have that rush a million memories at me.

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