Thursday, May 31, 2012

Little Rock It Out

A couple things came up in the last day that I want to point out.  One of them is that Dina made the announcement about her moving to Little Rock with me.  I have some major issues with moving to a new city not knowing anyone.  I did it once and I just don't have that in me to do it again.  This time it is different seeing that I am going into a small group who are are about to go through the same masters program as me, but it is still nice to have someone there with me. 

Little Rock is also different than when i moved to Vegas because I know myself so much better know than ten years ago and I am so much more geographically close to people I love and respect and hold tight in my life.  When I moved to Vegas, I had three people who were all at least five hours away and now in Little Rock, I will have about twelve people with in a five hour radius, not to mention the list that is only eight hours or that my family will only be twelve hours away opposed to the thirty-two in Los Angeles.

Having Dina in the city though will make things a lot easier.  No matter what my circumstances in life, I will always make friends so having a loved one close by can only be a positive. 

With us being in Little Rock, we will bringing the Dina and Gregg Show to a new level.  Not only will we be doing the show a couple times a month, but we will also be keeping a video blog of what is happening in Little Rock and how our lives are going being in the south where "alternative" lifestyles are not so prevalent.  Here is the first vlog...

The next thing that I wanted to bring up was Gay Parenting, namely with Neil Patrick Harris and his fiance, David Burtka.  As I was sitting at my father's house last night watching Entertainment tonight with Patti, a segment came on talking about how Oprah was having an exclusive with the couple and their twins.  My first thought was "awww, how cute" and my second thought was, "look at what we are continuing to see on nation wide, pop-culture television?  The actual version of a modern family that isn't about a gay couple, but about a couple in love who loves their children." 

I can't seem to get the embedded code for the video so here is the link.

Here is however, the promo for the Oprah special.  Despite what we see every moment on main street media, we are evolving. 

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