Friday, July 30, 2010

On and on... the continuation of being off work on a random Friday

Time for an update on my day. I stopped into work to meet some friends for lunch, and then came and hid over in Los Feliz to get some more work done and see a movie. I'm going to finally see "The Kids are Alright" If you haven't heard of it, or forgot what it is, here is the trailer for you to get acquainted. I posted it before, but it definitely deserves a re-post.

But first, lets take a moment and talk about how Dina and Gregg got to go play on the set of The Cavanaughs a few weeks ago and now our episode is up. It is a project that Dina and I really enjoy and definitely respect its place in entertainment right now. If you haven't watched it yet, take a look. If you like what you see, definitely go to You Tube or their website(http://http//, and see the rest of the show. Dina and I definitely come back later in the season.

And now, for your reading pleasure, is a new exert of "I Have 3 Kinds of Hiccups" I haven't given my readers any of it in a while and I figured its time to give you a little more nibble.... Talk to you soon!

There I was, laying down dead, in the parking lot outside of the Polo Towers off the strip in Las Vegas. That was the day I turned 23 and just earlier that week, the horrible song “Its your Birthday” by 50 Cent came out and that is all I was hearing everywhere. Especially while I was on the ground, waiting to figure out what my next move was.
The evening started off with a nice dinner at PF Changs, with Regan, Stella, Michael Murphy, Matt, my roommate Kati, George and some guy that Michael Murphy was seeing at the time. It was a great dinner, followed by a great show, Margeret Cho, and then somewhere it turned around and I had two Apple Martini’s in my hand, was flirting with an old flame Mikey, and was hollering at the President of the Gay Fraternity at UNLV because he was hitting on Angela but was clearly gay. However the situation really was that evening, this is the perspective that stays in my mind and probably will never be replaced.
Now, you ask, how did you end up on the ground Gregg? Well it’s very simple. I thought I was god and could fly! No, that wasn’t it, but it was close. I decided I was going to do barrel turns through the parking lot. At that moment, in my state of clarity, I was calling them wheel barrel turns; hence why I ended up on my back in the parking lot of the Polo Towers, and now, at age 30, still have this scar on my elbow from that moment. There I was, on the ground, drunk, trying to convince Matt, Angela, and Patrick that I fell on purpose and I could be a stunt double. Yep. Drunk!
A few weeks ago, I was home in Madison, WI, and went swimming in Lake Monona at bar time with some friends. When we got out, we then saw the high bacteria sign that stated no swimming was allowed at that beach. This didn’t bother me a bit when we first saw it, but once back in LA, working, with an itch on my elbow, I got extremely terrified. I thought that I had contracted some sort of worm from when we went swimming. I immediately called Allysa, asked if she had any ailments? Then, called Dina, told her I was coming over because I had a worm I needed her to look at. You know, seeing how she has soooo much experience in the medical field. She had her computer and Wi Fi. Together, I figured we could diagnose this from the Internet.
Well, needless to say, It only happened to be a bug bite, right on this u-shaped scar from my 23rd birthday. I was convinced that I had something growing under my skin. The part about it that adds to the irony of it is I am by all means, not even close to a hypochondriac. Just a gay boy freaked out by a bump on my elbow.
The point of this story is, no matter what age, we still think that we are invincible when lubricated with alcohol. Just ask my grandma!

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